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An Honest Review of The EW-36 Scooter by EWheels

An Honest Review of The EW-36 Scooter by EWheels

Within the mobility scooter market, the EW-36 mobility scooter stands out as a model worth considering for those prioritizing comfort, reliability, and performance. Consumer feedback on the EW-36 scooter highlights its ability to cater to a range of needs, from leisurely rides around the neighborhood to providing essential mobility assistance for daily tasks.

When assessing the EW 36 mobility scooter reviews, it becomes evident that this model garners attention for its array of features such as its storage options, weight capacity, and safety components.

Overview of the EW-36 Scooter

The EW-36 Scooter stands out for its robust design, impressive speed capabilities, and long battery life. It offers a reliable mode of transportation for those seeking both performance and convenience.

EW-36 mobility scooter in the color blue


Design and Build Quality

The EW-36 Scooter features a modern aesthetic with a durable frame capable of supporting up to 350 pounds. Utilizing high-quality materials, the scooter provides a stable ride with its tubeless tires and an adjustable shock absorber for enhanced comfort. Its user-friendly design includes a twist throttle for easy maneuverability and an electromagnetic braking system that ensures safety.

Performance and Speed

Performance-wise, the EW-36 is equipped with a powerful brushless motor that enables it to reach speeds of up to 13 mph. Its three-speed setting allows users to adjust the velocity according to their riding preferences or local regulations. This scooter can travel uphill with ease, thanks to its adequate torque, and has a turning radius of 50 inches for good maneuverability in tight spaces.

Battery Life and Charging

The EW36 boasts an impressive battery life, with a range of up to 43 miles on a single charge under optimum conditions. It features a 12 Volt, 20 AH battery that can be fully charged in 6 to 8 hours. Riders appreciate the convenience of its charging system, which allows for both onboard and offboard charging, making it versatile for various user needs.

EW-36 battery compartment


Key Features and Technologies

The EW-36 mobility scooter boasts an array of features focusing on safety, comfort, and user-friendly controls. Reviewers often emphasize these core aspects as significant benefits of the scooter.

Safety Features

  • Anti-tip wheels: The EW-36 scooter is equipped with rear anti-tip wheels, which provide additional stability and reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Braking system: It incorporates an electromagnetic braking system that ensures quick and reliable stopping power, essential for user safety.
  • Lighting: Enhanced visibility is achieved through bright LED headlights, taillights, and turn signals, each playing a critical role during low-light conditions.

EW-36 front light

Comfort and Accessibility

  • Adjustable components: Users appreciate the adjustable headrest, backrest, and armrests that cater to individual comfort needs.
  • Ergonomics: The EW-36 features an ergonomic throttle control, which minimizes strain on the hands during extended use.
  • Seat swivel: For easy boarding and exiting, the scooter offers a 360-degree swivel seat, often highlighted in reviews for its convenience and accessibility.

Control and Display Functions

  • Speed control: The EW-36 provides a twist throttle for precise speed adjustment, allowing users precise control over their travel pace.
  • Digital dashboard: A modern digital dashboard displays essential information such as speed, mileage, and battery level. This feature is consistently noted in reviews for its user-friendliness and clarity.
  • Variable speed dial: Users can set their maximum speed preference with a variable speed dial, adding a layer of customization to the riding experience.

up close picture of EW-36 speed control


User Experience

When looking at the ew36 scooter reviews, users have highlighted its comfort, user-friendliness, and nimbleness.

Rider Comfort

The EW-36 scooter's padded, adjustable seat and backrest receive praise for their comfort during long rides. The addition of a twist throttle and an ergonomic tiller allows for an enjoyable riding experience that doesn't tax the rider's wrists or back.

Ease of Use

This scooter is often lauded for its straightforward controls and easy-to-read digital dashboard, which contribute to a hassle-free experience. Charging the EW36 is as simple as plugging it into a standard outlet using the provided charger, and users appreciate the convenient storage basket for personal belongings.


With a turning radius of just 50 inches, the EW-36 scooter is highly maneuverable in tight spaces. Users also report that the scooter's smooth acceleration and deceleration make navigating crowded areas stress-free. The anti-tip wheels ensure additional stability, providing riders with peace of mind.

Pros and Cons

When considering the EW-36 Scooter, potential buyers should weigh its various advantages against a few notable limitations. The following subsections outline the scooter's key strengths and weaknesses as reported by users and experts.

Advantages of the EW36 Scooter

  • Performance: The EW-36 Scooter is praised for its top speed of up to 13 mph, which is robust for its category. This high speed is matched with a commendable range of up to 43 miles on a single charge, according to manufacturer specifications.
  • Comfort: Users report a comfortable ride experience, courtesy of the scooter’s adjustable captain’s seat and full suspension system.
  • Convenience Features: It comes equipped with a storage basket, anti-theft alarm system, and a twist throttle for easy maneuverability which are frequently highlighted in reviews.
  • Build Quality: The durability of the EW-36 is often noted, with a sturdy build that can support a weight capacity of up to 350 pounds.

EW-36 seat reclined back


Limitations and Drawbacks

  • Price: The scooter is considered to be on the higher end of the price spectrum for personal mobility scooters, which may be a barrier for some buyers.
  • Portability: Due to its solid frame and features, the EW-36 Scooter is not as portable as some other models, making it challenging to transport without a vehicle with a ramp or lift.
  • Learning Curve: New users may find the scooter's controls and speed options require a period of adjustment, as reported in some reviews.
  • Maintenance: With advanced features comes the potential need for more complex maintenance, which can be intimidating for users not mechanically inclined.

Comparative Analysis

In evaluating the EW-36 scooter, it is essential to consider how it stacks up against competing mobility scooters and where it sits in the market landscape.

Comparison with Other Mobility Scooters

The EW-36 scooter is often compared to other models for its speed and range capabilities. It boasts a top speed of 13 mph and a range of up to 43 miles per charge, which is substantially higher than many of its competitors. It features a powerful 500-watt brushless electric motor, which offers a smooth and efficient ride. In contrast, models such as the Drive Medical Scout Compact Travel Power are more modest in speed, topping out at 4.25 mph with a range of 15 miles. For consumers placing a premium on speed and range, the EW-36 provides a notable advantage.

When it comes to comfort, the EW-36 scooter offers a large, adjustable captain’s seat with backrest, armrests, and a headrest, enhancing comfort over long distances, which is a significant consideration for users with limited mobility. To provide context, the Pride Mobility GO-GO scooter has a more compact seat design, tailored for easy navigate in tighter spaces rather than prolonged comfort.

Features and Accessories:

  • EW36 Scooter: Digital dashboard, anti-theft alarm, storage basket, rearview mirrors, and a full lighting system.
  • Comparative Models: Basic controls, optional storage, standard safety features, and variable lighting systems.

EW-46 orange mobility scooter


Market Positioning

The EW-36 mobility scooter is positioned as a premium product within the mobility scooter market. Its pricing reflects the extensive feature set and superior performance metrics when compared to entry-level scooters that focus on essential functions with cost-effectiveness in mind. This scooter's durability and long-term performance are often highlighted in EW 36 mobility scooter reviews, with users finding it a worthwhile investment, especially for those who require daily, reliable mobility assistance.

In terms of customer satisfaction, the scooter has garnered positive feedback for its ease of operation and the independence it offers. Meanwhile, the market positioning of rival scooters often aligns with a more budget-conscious or specialized demographic, such as those seeking compact scooters for travel convenience. However, it is worth mentioning that the premium price tag of the EW-36 scooter might place it out of reach for some, making its competitors more appealing for users with a tight budget.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

When examining the feedback for the EW-36 scooter, purchasers acknowledge its efficiency and comfort. They frequently note the scooter's long-range capabilities and the freedom it provides. Here is a high-level summary of what customers say, structured for clarity:

  • Performance: Customers agree that the EW-36 scooter delivers reliable performance, with a powerful motor that easily handles various terrains.

  • Comfort: The scooter is praised for its comfortable seating, which allows for extended use without discomfort.

  • Battery Life: Users are satisfied with the battery life, mentioning that the scooter holds its charge for a considerable amount of time.

User Reviews:

User Rating Comment
John 4/5 "Great range and comfort, though a bit bulky for tight spaces."
Linda 5/5 "Fantastic scooter! Has changed my life for the better."
Alex 3/5 "Decent, but I had some issues with the initial setup."

Additional Feedback Points:

  • Durability: Some reviews discuss the robust build of the scooter, highlighting its ability to withstand daily use.
  • Speed: There are mixed reactions to the top speed; some users find it perfect, while others suggest it could be faster.

Common Consensus:

  • The EW-36 mobility scooter generally receives positive reviews for its feature set but is not without some critiques, such as its size and weight, which can pose challenges for storage and transportation.

EW-36 scooter side profile


Price and Value for Money

The EW36 scooter is priced at a point that reflects its position as a premium mobility scooter. It typically retails around the $2,300 to $2,500 range, depending on the retailer and any additional features or accessories chosen.

Consumers often debate the justification of its cost, weighing the EW36's long-range capabilities, speed, and comfort against their budgetary constraints. Indeed, the scooter’s ability to travel up to 45 miles on a single charge and reach speeds of up to 18 mph positions it favorably within the market for those prioritizing these features.

In terms of value for money, the following aspects are noteworthy:

  • Durability: Constructed with a sturdy frame capable of supporting up to 350 pounds.
  • Comfort: Equipped with a large, comfortable seat and full suspension.
  • Safety: Features include anti-tip wheels, brake system, and bright headlight.

Prospective buyers should consider:

Feature Benefit
All-terrain capability Expands usability across various surfaces.
Storage options Ample space for personal items.
Warranty Offers peace of mind with coverage for potential issues.


Users' reviews often highlight satisfaction with the scooter's luxurious features, such as the electronic display, alarm system, and the conveniences of both front and rear baskets. While some users expect lower prices, reviews consistently affirm the scooter's robust performance and reliability, indicating a high level of satisfaction regarding value for money.

rolls of money

Final Verdict

The EW36 scooter receives varying feedback across multiple reviews, shaping a comprehensive view of its performance and features. Performance-wise, it stands out for its speed and range, with users appreciating its ability to traverse longer distances without frequent charging. Its top speed is particularly lauded by those seeking a swift ride.

Feature Feedback
Speed Mostly Positive
Range Mostly Positive
Comfort Positive
Durability Mixed
User-Friendly Positive
Safety Satisfactorily Positive


In summary, the EW36 scooter garners praise for its speed, range, and user-friendliness, establishing it as a potential option for those prioritizing these attributes. However, prospective buyers should weigh the mixed durability reviews when considering this scooter for daily use.

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